Saturday, August 13, 2011

Love is like a balloon....

Man is in love
and loves what vanishes.
-W.B. Yeats

Lord, it's morning !
Your sun- on easter feet-
has creeped into my room
and called me
from my slumber tomb:
"Arise, be risen,
and spread the news.
It's morning !"

With kisses that take flight,
The Castle Lady


dellgirl said...

How did I miss this? It's lovely, very nice. Thanks for sharing. Every morning the sun shines through my window into my face, I move my head on the pillow with the back of my head to the sun.

By now, it is waaaaay past time for decent people to be up and out of bed.

This reminds me, I should be thankful that I'm still around for the sun to wake me.

Anonymous said...

This photo inspired me to dig deep in my archives. I was having one of those mornings and it was time. Don't feel something is wrong that you missed this because it wasn't make a long story short... I thought I pushed the post button that morning and apparently hit the SAVE DRAFT. I was looking at my blog recently and thought. What happened to my great entry. I went in to check and there it was so I posted it but for the date I originally wrote it. Now you know why you're sure you didn't see it. You're a sharp gal Miss L ! ; )

dellgirl said...

Back again to say hello and see how you’re doing. I hope you are okay and all is well with you.

Have a fabulous Sunday!