Monday, February 09, 2015

Fabulous February

Who would've thought that February could sparkle with busy-ness and excitement ? If Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow this year then he might want to take another look! This entire past week has been a whirlwind of work, new contracts, party planning for Valentine's and a general feeling of newness that I haven't felt for decades. If you actually look at the calendar it will give you a little bit of an idea of what we're in store for and why we feel this way, despite age or difficulties.
     Firstly, it's a perfectly symmetrical month with four of each day of the week ! I wonder when is the last time that happened since it's the only month with the fewest amount of days- leap year or no. Did I just write that ? Whoa ! We also have four major holidays in the same week ! Rest up for President's Day, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday and Chinese New Year, one right after the other in the third week and that's right after celebrating Valentine's Day the previous Saturday. Be sure to eat your Cheerios with raisins. You'll need the stamina.
     It's really warmed up this week as well. I never thought January would end but usually enjoy the quiet and freshness of January because it's a new start and almost a blank page. Goals will be set, slates will be cleared, cleaned and ready to be wrote upon. Most of my goals have not changed over the years because I took on the mindset of reaching my first decade of the 21st century with making aspirations come true no matter what it takes. I have not resigned myself otherwise but I have taken on a new perspective which will help me achieve more in the long run and remove some stalemates that I have encountered for far too long.
     Resolutions were never a tradition with me but I do appreciate the chance to begin again anew and this year, somehow, feels like a genuine chance to seize my goals and hold on with a renewed passion for my love of castles and forge ahead. All my life I have always achieved what I really wanted and have only failed when I have let someone come in and take over. Rugged individualism has always been my strongest ally and I'm sure it will always be this way.
     Well, I'm off to conquer some more words somewhere else. This might come to a shock for some people but I actually prefer to write in longhand and most of my ideas for writing usually start with pen and blank book or paper. So many castles, so little time.
Enjoy the month !
The Castle Lady


dellgirl said...

Hi Evelyn, just came by to check on you and to say hi. I enjoyed reading about your fabulous February. It was very interesting.

I hope you're having a nice weekend.

Evelyn said...

Hi Leona !
February was fabulous through the first half in Denver and then we got a cold and snow spell that still has me shivering even though we're getting warmer weather now. This time of year you never know what you're going to get, you know ? Had a great weekend how about you ?