Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Bloggers Unite...

We've been dissed by a cartoonist ! Check out the following:

     I would just like to personally put forth that a good portion of the liveliest information I find on the internet is usually on blogs and not necessarily the forums who dish the so-called facts. I'll let my own work on my blogs be the self-evident proof that I'm right and the creators of Crankshaft and Company are dead wrong. Some of the nicest and best people I've become acquainted with on the internet have been through our mutual blogs. For me, the haters died off a long time ago. I think I had one in all these years and I reported him and then he was no more.
     Blogging may be the most fun I've ever had with my writing. You can write pretty much what you want, when you want and if you suddenly decide you don't like or want it up yourself you can always edit or delete what you wrote, along with an apology for doing so- or not. You are in control. You can put up your photos and replace or remove them at will. Nobody can put something up on your blog without your consent and they can't mess with what you've posted either. If you don't like their comments you can delete them with one click.
     My best friends are other bloggers. We support each other by putting forth encouragement and words of support. We can help each other improve our writing and even, at times, supply the always important function of being a muse. Most importantly, we all have something important to say- contrary to what Mindy thinks- and we can express those important words in our own way. If you agree with me click the LIKE button or leave a comment. We've been insulted and we should tell the world...
I've got something to say...
and I'm going to say it my way !