For more than a week Denver has experienced continual downpours accompanied by brief periods of sunny weather. Yesterday I looked outside after a ten minute cloudburst and as I basked in the sun for about ten minutes I noticed that heavy steam was coming off every rooftop in my neighborhood. This monsoon may be the only one Denver has ever had because I certainly don't remember any and I've lived here most of my life!
When I lived in San Diego I remember one monsoon which lasted about a week but those are constant downpours which never quit. It's pouring when you run to your car in the morning. You go to lunch and it's still raining cats and dogs. Back to work you get drenched and then on the way home you hydroplane on the highway and swim from your car to your apartment or house. By then you're just glad to be in a place where it's dry and you can stay there for awhile.
Since Denver always must be contrary, the rain has been ten minutes pouring then a little bit of sunshine for another ten. Today it has been overcast without any sunshine with dry spells accompanied by brief downpours. This has gone on all day long and when I've looked out didn't know what I was going to see but with the knowledge that it's only going to change again whether standing outside or inside. Every time I look out now I stand there and sigh for five minutes. I've never seen such schizophrenic weather in my life ! Anywhere. Sheesh.
My lawn is now up to my knees and I can't have it mowed because it's too wet even when it's sunny. You should see the weeds ! They're twice as high and look abominable. I am literally going to have to take a machete to it before I even attempt to mow. I'm not making this up. I'll take photos to prove it if I have to and then you'll know this is for real. I always thought that people living in Seattle had a great deal with a mostly drizzling climate but in retrospect I'm glad I decided against moving there about a decade ago and I'm now checking properties in Arizona and certain parts of New Mexico.
Isn't it funny that it really doesn't affect my mood ? Everyone else seems to find this kind of weather depressing but mostly I enjoy rain in Denver because moisture is so rare and unusual. After living in San Diego I took to keeping an umbrella in my car but the one I have in my twenty-five year old car usually has to have the dust brushed off of it before use ! That's how dry it normally is here in Denver. Well, one has to take the good with the bad so I'll sign off by saying that Denver has never looked so green and lush in May. There. (Sigh !)
and dancing...
The Castle Lady